The most difficult decision that a pet owner has to make is putting a pet to sleep. We don't want our pets to suffer but we also don't want to lose our best friends. It's a decision every pet owner dreads, but one that will ultimately have to be made. Pet owners struggle with this because they want to do what's right, but knowing what is right is not always clear, and no one wants to put their pet to sleep.
Because this is a difficult decision, it may help to consider a few key points that can indicate the animal's quality of life is no longer worth extending. If your pet reaches any of these thresholds, you can be assured that it is the right time to have him put to sleep. Knowing these ahead of time can make your job easier when the time comes to put him down, because you've already agreed that these are the signs that it is time to put him out of his misery.
Here are the signs that your pet no longer has a good quality of life:
- Chronic pain that cannot be controlled with medication
- Frequent vomiting or diarrhea that is causing dehydration and/or significant weight loss
- Has stopped eating or will only eat if you force feed him
- Is incontinent to the degree that he frequently soils himself
- Has lost interest in all or most of his favorite activities
- Cannot stand on his own or falls down when trying to walk
- Chronic labored breathing or coughing
The decision to put a beloved pet to sleep is never an easy one, but if a pet has reached any of these thresholds, and you know he's not going to improve, then the time is probably right. Your veterinarian can help you understand your pet's prognosis and can assist in guiding your decision.
Be Wise... Bewaggle!
About Bewaggle:
Bewaggle is a pet services
company located in DeLand, Florida. We offer pet sitting, dog walking, puppy
training, basic obedience training, and more, in the convenience of the
customer's home. Every
Bewaggle employee is bonded, insured, professionally trained and has undergone
a background check. Be wise...