Sunday, December 22, 2013

What to do if your dog has a seizure

If your dog is shaking or twitching, and he doesn’t respond to his name or a gentle nudge, he’s probably having a seizure, and it’s important for you to know how to handle that.  The first thing to do is to remain calm.  Seizures apparently cause no pain to the dog, and unless he’s in a dangerous place, you shouldn’t try to move him.  (If you need to move him, drag him gently by his back legs to a safe spot, and then let the seizure run its course.

Some dogs urinate or defecate during a seizure, so if he’s having a seizure in the house, you may want to put some newspaper or paper towels under him, just in case.  You can pet him to comfort him, but avoid getting too close to his mouth, as he could inadvertently bite you.

All dogs who suffer from seizures should see a vet, but emergency care shouldn’t be necessary unless a dog has a single seizure that lasts more than five minutes — or if he has more than two seizures in a row.  Duration is an important factor in caring and treating a dog with seizures, so when you find your dog having a seizure, take note of how long it lasts and report the duration and frequency to your vet. 

Be wise... Bewaggle!

About Bewaggle:

Bewaggle is a pet services company located in DeLand, Florida. We offer pet sitting, dog walking, puppy training, basic obedience training, and more, in the convenience of the customer's home.  Every Bewaggle employee is bonded, insured, professionally trained and has undergone a background check. Be wise... Bewaggle!

Twitching? Seizure? Know the Difference.

Like humans, dogs dream, and sometimes their bodies twitch while they are asleep.  Puppies and senior dogs do it more than younger adult dogs, but they almost all do it.  Sometimes, they even whimper or bark in their sleep, and it’s usually not a serious problem.  But sometimes, a dog whose body is twitching, is actually having a seizure, and every dog owner needs to know how to tell the  difference. 

If your dog is twitching in his sleep, he’s probably having a dream.  Our dogs often look like they’re chasing rabbits in their dreams.  But a dog having a seizure is usually very stiff, and his twitching can be more intense.  You should check on your dog by simply calling his name softly.  If he’s just dreaming, he’ll wake up and go back to a restful sleep.  But if he doesn’t respond to his name, or a gentle pat on the back, it’s probably a seizure.

In our next post, we’ll talk about how you should react if your dog has a seizure. 

About Bewaggle:

Bewaggle is a pet services company located in DeLand, Florida. We offer pet sitting, dog walking, puppy training, basic obedience training, and more, in the convenience of the customer's home.  Every Bewaggle employee is bonded, insured, professionally trained and has undergone a background check. Be wise... Bewaggle!

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Overweight Pets: The Gourmet Dog

One of the most common excuses we hear for not putting a dog on a diet is that the dog just won't eat anything except people food.

I want to give my dog better food.
As humans we can't imagine eating dog food, so some dog owners feel that it is not good enough for their dog. Then they feel justified in providing people food when their dog enjoys it so much more than common dog food. Of course they do. It is just like how we love junk food more than salads.  But that doesn't make it healthy. Our dogs will have happier, healthier, and have longer lives if you put them on a healthy dog diet.

My dog won't eat dog food.
If your dog is used to eating steak you may have a little problem with getting your dog to eat dog food, but he will eat it when he gets hungry enough, and if you are consistent, he will eventually come to enjoy it. The important part is not to cave in and feed him people food when he turns his nose up at dog food. Of course he wants the extra yummy people food, but that is not good for him. You may have to take up his bowl and try again at the next meal. It won't hurt your dog to skip a couple meals. Once he realizes that he can't trick you into giving him people food he will eat his dog food without any problems.

You've seen other dogs that go crazy with excitement every time they get their dog food.  Your dog will do that too, if it's the only food he is given.  It's not cruel or inhumane.  It's the appropriate and responsible way to feed a dog.  And he's counting on you to feed him properly so he's able to live a long and healthy life.

Be wise... Bewaggle!

About Bewaggle:

Bewaggle is a pet services company located in DeLand, Florida. We offer pet sitting, dog walking, puppy training, basic obedience training, and more, in the convenience of the customer's home.  Every Bewaggle employee is bonded, insured, professionally trained and has undergone a background check.  Be wise... Bewaggle!

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Overweight Pets: The Good Dog

Many pet owners think they are restricting their dog's diet, but forget to include those treats they give them for being a good dog!   He is so good and he deserves a treat.  However those "good dog" treats add up quickly. Treats have more calories than regular dog food. Obviously we want to reward good behavior, but food is not the only reward that you can provide. You can reward your dog with toys, play, and love in place of treats. You should save food rewards for training time.

Just like humans, dogs gain or lose weight based on the number of calories they consume versus the number they burn.  Keep in mind that if you are using food as a reward, then your pup's regular meals need to be smaller. Your good dog deserves the very best - a long happy and healthy life.

Be wise... Bewaggle!

About Bewaggle:

Bewaggle is a pet services company located in DeLand, Florida. We offer pet sitting, dog walking, puppy training, basic obedience training, and more, in the convenience of the customer's home.  Every Bewaggle employee is bonded, insured, professionally trained and has undergone a background check.  Be wise... Bewaggle!