Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Convincing Your Family to Get a Dog

Do you really, really want a dog? Does your family object to your dream of bringing a furry friend into the house? You don’t need to fret – there are ways to butter up your loved ones and pave the way for a tomorrow filled with slobbery tennis balls and bacon flavored treats.
Photo Copyright by Maja Dumat, used here
under the Creative Commons License. 
The first thing you can do is avoid bringing up the subject. Don’t tell people fifty times a week that you strongly desire a dog. This may annoy the individuals you talk to, and they may sour on the whole thing. Give everybody time to sit and think about the idea of having a dog. Show understanding and patience – never pout or press the issue. This doesn’t mean you can’t think about dogs at all, you simply have to keep it to yourself as much as possible until the right time comes.
Let your family know that you don’t have to spend a fortune on the well-being of the dog. There are many affordable alternatives to the care and feeding of a pet. For example, it’s possible to purchase toys on clearance at local pet stores. You can take Fido to doggie day care or hire a dog walker without the worry that your wallet will suffer. Put in the research and show your family not everything costs an arm and a leg – in this case, paw.

A dog is a wonderful addition to any household. Dogs provide companionship and affection, and you would be hard-pressed to find a better alternative to owning one. Despite this, some people may not immediately warm to the idea of having an animal in the house. You have to present them with the right information. Find the best breed and plan for your family and you can’t go wrong.

About Bewaggle:

Bewaggle is a brand new KIND of pet sitting company, unique in the entire nation! Bringing a new level of professionalism, training, and security to the pet sitting industry, we offer pet sitting, dog walking, puppy training, basic obedience training, and more. We are bonded and insured, background checked, professionally trained and supervised. And each sitter is backed up by a team of each qualified professionals. All our sitters are trained in Pet First Aid, Pet CPR, Professional Standards, Emergency Response and much more. 
Be wise... Bewaggle!

Friday, June 20, 2014

Hazards in Your Purse: Keeping Your Dog Safe

Photo Copyright by Flickr user:istolethetv, used here
under the Creative Commons License. 
When you think of things that bring harm to your pet, your purse may not register on your radar. After all, it’s just a purse. However, the contents of your purse can be dangerous to your curious pooch if you don’t take the proper precautions. The nicotine found in cigarettes is toxic, and hand sanitizers have alcohol in them – your dog could suffer from alcohol poisoning by licking a bottle or chewing a wipe. Even seemingly harmless sugarless gum carries chemicals dangerous to nonhumans. What can you do to keep your needed supplies and have a safe and healthy dog at the same time?

Keep Your Purse off the Floor

The first thing you can do is remove temptation. This means keeping your purse in areas your dog can’t reach like high shelves or behind a closed door. If you must keep your purse out in the open, invest in a purse with a zipper at the top. Don’t forget to use the zipper – never leave it open.

Supervise Your Dog

Pay attention to what your dog does and act appropriately. If you think your dog has their eye on the goodies nestled in your purse, distract the dog with their favorite toy or take them elsewhere.

Purses may not be a source of entertainment to you, but your dog may feel otherwise. Don’t let your pet access your purse and taste the items within as they may get very sick. If you don’t know what to do next, talk to your dog trainer or dog walker. They will have experience in the world of dogs, and if nothing else, they may know where you can go for help. Your vet is also an indispensable source of information, so make sure you have access to their phone number.

Be wise… Bewaggle!

About Bewaggle:

Bewaggle is a pet services company located in Central Florida. We offer pet sitting, dog walking, puppy training, basic obedience training, and more. We are bonded and insured, with background checks and references. Be wise... Bewaggle!

Friday, June 13, 2014

Socializing with Your Dog When You’re In a Bad Mood

We all have our episodes. Maybe you missed the bus that takes you to work, or perhaps somebody spilled a drink on your new sweater – you know, the one you saved for months to afford? No matter what we come across during the day, in the end we have to go home. Home is where your family is, and that includes your dog. How can you avoid taking out your frustrations on your beloved pet? It isn't as difficult as you might think, and it doesn't involve spending money.

Don’t Overindulge Your Dog, No Matter How Tempting
Photo Copyright by Samuel Cockman, used here
under the Creative Commons License. 
Some people shower their pets with gifts when they get home. They may do this to repel feelings of unhappiness and guilt – don’t make this mistake. If you stop at the store and purchase an armful of stuffed toys, the household budget could crack under the strain. By the same token, try to stop yourself from giving your dog too many treats. Don’t sacrifice your dog’s health in your quest to feel better for a few minutes. 

Keep Your Distance
If you have the urge to yell, walk away until you calm down. Screaming at your dog benefits nobody, especially if the dog isn't misbehaving. You might confuse your dog and make a bad situation worse.
Everybody has a lousy day every now and then, but you don’t have to vent your grievances on your pet. Take the time to think the situation through, and don’t do something that may come back to bite you in the future. Our furry friends can teach us a lesson in living life in the moment, so grab that squeaky toy and get playing!

About Bewaggle:

Bewaggle is a pet services company located in Central Florida. We offer pet sitting, dog walking, puppy training, basic obedience training, and more. We are bonded and insured, with background checks and references. Be wise... Bewaggle!

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Taking Your Dog on a Picnic

Who can resist the siren call of summer? The tropical breeze and distinctive smell of barbecued treats are something many people crave as the seasons change. If you want to step out into the sun with your dog and savor a meal at the park, take the time to plan and prep.

Photo Copyright by Paul Stainthorp, used here
under the Creative Commons License. 
First, choose a location that works for you and your dog. For example, a place with a lot of shade helps to keep everyone cool and happy. You can hardly enjoy your snack with the sun blaring in your face, and your pooch will be better off in a place where you can keep an eye on them.  If you think there might be an emergency, stay close to your car.

Second, pack supplies to make your waste removal duties easy. A number of pet owners bring small bags to use to pick up after their dogs, and you can follow their lead. You don’t need to spend money on bags. You can use plastic grocery bags if you so please. Don’t leave animal waste behind – it’s unsanitary and rude to people who visit the park or other public places.

Finally, food is paramount to any picnic. Remember to pack something appropriate for your dog. Bring a few of your dog’s favorite treats, or create something unique and tasty in the kitchen. Don’t forget to bring water. Dogs should never eat chocolate, grapes, raisins, onions, garlic, or avocados. Consult a recipe book catered to pets or look online to learn more. If your dog has a habit of stealing people food, look into puppy training to nip the problem in the bud.

When the time comes to take your pet out to partake in revelry, don’t forget to be smart with your picnic haul. With the right plan, you can help your dog live a long and happy life.

About Bewaggle:

Bewaggle is a pet services company located in DeLand, Florida. We offer pet sitting, dog walking, puppy training, basic obedience training, and more, in the convenience of the customer's home.  Every Bewaggle employee is bonded, insured, professionally trained and has undergone a background check.  Be wise... Bewaggle!

Sunday, June 1, 2014

To shave or not to shave

It's starting to feel like summer and we want to keep our pets comfortable. Many dog owners assume that a dog with long hair will naturally be more comfortable in these hot months if they clip their coats short.  It makes sense - or it certainly seems to - but for many breeds, you'd actually be doing him more harm than good.  

We take one look at a long haired dog and wonder how they manage in the summer heat.  We think that when we shave our pets we are helping them to stay cool. But, shaving your pet may cause more harm than good.  Most of those breeds with thick fluffy coats actually need that fur because it provides insulation that helps to keep them warm in the winter and cool in the summer. When you shave your dog you are robbing him of that insulation and exposing his skin to the sun.  Unlike us, dogs don't sweat (except for the bottoms of their feet), so exposing their skin to the air doesn't affect them the way it does us.  Dogs with thick, fluffy coats will be cooler if you keep their insulation in tact, than they will if you clip their hair short.  

It's counter-intuitive, and you might not believe me.  But ask your veterinarian.  Your dog's temperature control system is reliant on that insulation.  If you clip it off, you're dog will be more exposed to the heat and the sun.

Speaking of sun...

Your dog's skin is sensitive to the sun just like yours is, and they can get sunburns too. If you plan to have your dog outdoors in the sun, protect his skin.  Your vet or groomer can recommend a sun screen that's developed specifically for your dog's sensitive skin, and one that won't harm him of he licks it. Apply it on all the places where your dog's skin is exposed, like on the bridge of his nose or on his belly to protect his skin. 

Be wise... Bewaggle! 

About Bewaggle:

Bewaggle is a pet services company located in DeLand, Florida. We offer pet sitting, dog walking, puppy training, basic obedience training, and more, in the convenience of the customer's home.  Every Bewaggle employee is bonded, insured, professionally trained and has undergone a background check.  Be wise... Bewaggle!

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Respect the Door!

Having a dog that escapes from the house can be very dangerous, and it's shocking to me how common this problem is.  So many dogs will bolt out the door, given half a chance, and their owners have developed some elaborate routines just to get themselves out the door in the morning, without letting the dogs escape. But you can teach a dog to "Respect the Door", if you take some time and do it correctly. Here's how to train your dog so he won't run out of your house the minute you open the door.

Respect the door.  Put him on leash and have him sit/stay. Holding onto the leash, open the door. If he runs out, say "oops" or "uh-oh", and bring him back inside and close the door. Repeat this as many times as necessary. It will probably have to be repeated many, many times at first. Don't let that discourage you.  When he does not bolt, walk outside, holding the leash, and tell him to come outside. When he's successful, shower him with praise, and treats.  But if he runs out before you give permission, go back inside, close the door, and try again. Make him wait for permission every time he goes outside, even if he's going out into a fenced yard.  That's really important, because if he thinks that bolting out ahead of you is OK sometimes, he's never going to learn to respect the door. Every time you do this "game" it will take fewer times before he waits for permission. Eventually he will come to respect the door and understand that he needs permission to go outside.  Remember that he's counting on you to keep him safe. You must be consistent with your training.  

About Bewaggle:

Bewaggle is a pet services company located in Central Florida. We offer pet sitting, dog walking, puppy training, basic obedience training, and more. We are bonded and insured, with background checks and references. Be wise... Bewaggle!

Monday, April 7, 2014

Training Tip


When your dog does something you don't like, chances are, it's something you have been reinforcing, maybe without even realizing it.  For example, think about a dog that begs at the table.  He sits beside you, whimpering, and maybe he puts a paw on your leg.  You tell him no, but he comes back a moment later and starts whimpering again.  And again with the paw.  Maybe he gives you that irresistible tip of the head, and another little whimper.  And then, he seals the deal by placing his chin on your knee.  He's so dang cute.  How could you resist?  So you break of a nibble from your dinner and give it to him, saying, "OK, fine, here's a bite. Now go lie down."   Your dog has just learned that if he persists, he will get you to do what he wants.  He's not about to go lie down, he's going to continue the whimpering and pawing, because that's what you've reinforced.  The solution is simple, but not always easy.  You have to ignore his begging completely, and ask him to do something for you (like “sit”). A you can NEVER give him a treat while you're sitting at the table, because doing so would only encourage him to beg.  If he's a good boy for you while you eat, reward him with praise and treats AFTER you've finished your meal. 

About Bewaggle:

Bewaggle is a pet services company located in DeLand, Florida. We offer pet sitting, dog walking, puppy training, basic obedience training, and more, in the convenience of the customer's home.  Every Bewaggle employee is bonded, insured, professionally trained and has undergone a background check.  Be wise... Bewaggle!

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Itching Issues

Is your dog or cat itching and scratching all the time and driving you nuts? If it is driving you crazy, imagine how your pet feels! Lots of pets have issues with itchy skin and there is a cure... In fact, there are lots of them.  The challenge is figuring out which one will help your pet. First you have to determine what is causing the problem.

The root of the problem could either be environmental, nutritional, parasitic, allergic, neurogenic, or infectious in nature. Finding out the underlying cause will probably require a trip to the vet. Sometimes the cure is as simple as changing their food (they might need something more nutritious or they could be allergic to one of the ingredients) or mixing in a little olive oil with their meals. (It is good for the skin and coat.) Also, wiping off your dog's paws when he comes inside can help. They can have an allergic reaction to the chemicals that get sprayed on the yard. 

Sometimes they do it to themselves just because they are bored or they have separation anxiety (see our blog on boredom and separation anxiety here). However, itching can be a sign of something more serious, so you should get it checked out early. A lot of the time they need medications for allergies, parasites, and infections. Work with your vet to determine the cause of your pet's discomfort and start treatment.

Be Wise... Bewaggle!

About Bewaggle:

Bewaggle is a pet services company located in DeLand, Florida. We offer pet sitting, dog walking, puppy training, basic obedience training, and more, in the convenience of the customer's home.  Every Bewaggle employee is bonded, insured, professionally trained and has undergone a background check.  Be wise... Bewaggle!

Monday, March 17, 2014

Ear Infections in Cats

Ear infections are actually quite common in cats, and they can be caused by a number of factors. These might include bacteria, fungi, mites, some medications, and even diabetes.  They symptoms are pretty obvious, usually, and they can include a discharge from the ear, head shaking, swollen ear flaps, ears that have a foul odor, and extra sensitivity to the ears being touched. 

If your cat is showing any of these symptoms, it's certainly a good idea to have him checked out by your veterinarian.  Once the vet has determined the cause of the infection, a treatment plan will be prescribed that may include regular ear cleaning, eardrops, oral medications, and in severe cases, surgery.

Some breeds are also more susceptible to ear infections than others, so keep an eye on your cat for signs of infection.  Most ear infections respond well to treatment, but only a veterinarian can properly diagnose and treat them.  So have your kitty checked if it's showing symptoms such as those listed above.

About Bewaggle:

Bewaggle is a pet services company located in DeLand, Florida. We offer pet sitting, dog walking, puppy training, basic obedience training, and more, in the convenience of the customer's home.  Every Bewaggle employee is bonded, insured, professionally trained and has undergone a background check.  Be wise... Bewaggle!

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Not All People Foods are Bad for Your Pets

We’re often reminded that giving our pets table scraps is bad for them, because it contributes to both obesity and unwanted behaviors.   And there are some people foods that are actually toxic for our pets.  But not all people foods are bad for them.  In fact, many veterinarians agree that the very best foods for your pets are those foods you prepare for them yourself, in your own kitchen. 

In her book “Dinner Pawsible”,  Dr. Cathy Alinovi explains that one of the reasons your dog begs at the table is because he craves real food! (Can you blame him?) And she provides tips and recipes made from healthy people foods that your pets will love.  These healthy, balanced meals, that you can prepare yourself, are free of the chemicals, preservatives and “by-products” that most packaged pet foods contain.

About Bewaggle:

Bewaggle is a pet services company located in DeLand, Florida. We offer pet sitting, dog walking, puppy training, basic obedience training, and more, in the convenience of the customer's home.  Every Bewaggle employee is bonded, insured, professionally trained and has undergone a background check.  Be wise... Bewaggle!

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Preventing Hairball Problems

This is the third in our series of posts on the topic of Fur Balls in Cats.  If you missed the first two, you can read them here. 

Preventing Hairball Problems?
As with all pet health issues, the best medicine is always prevention. You can reduce or even prevent hairballs with daily grooming.  A daily brushing (or combing) will remove a lot of hair and will reduce the amount of hair your cat actually ingests. 

A High Fiber Diet
You can now buy cat food especially designed to help fur balls, particularly for indoor cats. These foods are high in fiber and may say ‘reduces hair/fur ball's’. The high fiber diet will help your cat pass the hair through its system instead of getting stuck either in the gut or intestine, which it often does with a lower fiber diet. This stops the hairball from actually forming and is highly recommended for all house cats.  Many high fiber cat foods and treats include pumpkin, which is a natural ingredient that adds beneficial fiber to a cat’s diet.

Fleas, Ticks and Other Skin Conditions
If your cat has fleas, ticks or other parasites on his skin, he’ll be more prone to excessive grooming, which can lead to excessive hair in his stomach, gut and intestines.  Be sure your cat is free of these parasites.  Your vet will prescribe an appropriate program of treatment to assure that fleas and ticks aren’t contributing to fur ball problems. 

If Your Cat Can’t Regurgitate
If your cat is having problems regurgitating a fur ball then take your cat to the vet. They can either prescribe or recommend a medicine.  The medicine will usually come in cat friendly flavors and will lubricate your cat’s stomach and intestines. This makes it easier for the hair or hairball to pass from the stomach into your cats litter tray.

Take Fur balls Seriously.

A large hairball can be very uncomfortable for cats and can cause serious medical conditions. A hairball that can’t be regurgitated will continue to grow within the stomach. Large fur balls become painful and cause blisters and ulcers. Hairball pain can also cause cat depression and anxiety.  A hairball that can’t be regurgitated can lead to stomach and bowl conditions causing your cat much pain and stress.  He’s counting on you to keep him healthy, so if you think your cat has a problem with hairballs, contact your vet right away.
For the 1st blog on hairballs Click Here.
For the 2nd blog on hairballs Click Here.

About Bewaggle:

Bewaggle is a pet services company located in DeLand, Florida. We offer pet sitting, dog walking, puppy training, basic obedience training, and more, in the convenience of the customer's home.  Every Bewaggle employee is bonded, insured, professionally trained and has undergone a background check.  Be wise... Bewaggle!

Friday, January 24, 2014

More About Hairballs in Cats

This is the second in our series of posts on the topic of Fur Balls in Cats.  If you missed the first one, you can read it here. 
·    What are the symptoms of fur balls?
·    Are you having cat fur ball problems?
·    Are there cat fur ball remedies or cat fur ball treatments that can control cat fur balls?
·    Can you even cure cat fur balls?

What does a hairball look like?
Actually, a fur ball doesn’t usually come out round like a golfball.  Usually, it’s more of a football – or even a finger-shaped mass.  If you see one on the floor, you might even mistake it for poop. 

Cats eat grass to help them clear their stomachs.
Have you ever seen your cat eating grass in the yard? Eating grass is a natural way for your cat to induce regurgitation (to vomit). So if your cat has anything indigestible in his stomach, like small bones or a hair ball, eating grass will help him puke it up.

What if you have an indoor cat?
For indoor house cats it’s not that simple. Many people keep their cats – especially long-haired cats - indoors. There are many good reasons to keep a cat indoors, but without natural grass to eat, cats often have difficulty clearing fur balls out of their stomachs.  This is a major problem and can cause your cat serious health issues.  It’s especially common in long-haired cats because longer haired cats can produce a larger hairball simply because they have longer hair.

In our next post, we’ll talk about some tips and strategies for keeping your cats healthy by treating and preventing fur ball problems.  Be sure to subscribe to our blog so you don’t miss this important information.

For the 1st blog on hairballs Click Here.

About Bewaggle:

Bewaggle is a pet services company located in DeLand, Florida. We offer pet sitting, dog walking, puppy training, basic obedience training, and more, in the convenience of the customer's home.  Every Bewaggle employee is bonded, insured, professionally trained and has undergone a background check.  Be wise... Bewaggle!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Hairballs in Cats

This is the first of a three-part series on hairballs in cats.  If you own a cat, especially an indoor cat,  you may come across hairballs (also called fur balls) on the floor, or you may have witnessed your cat trying to cough up fur balls.  What exactly are hairballs?  What causes them?  How can you prevent or treat them? Are they dangerous to your cat? 

The first thing we want you to know is that fur balls are natural, and the occasional fur ball causes no harm to your cat. It is however important for all owners to understand what fur balls are and the possible risks of excessive fur balls.
·    What are the symptoms of fur balls?
·    Are you having cat fur ball problems?
·    Are there cat fur ball remedies or cat fur ball treatments that can control cat fur balls?
·    Can you even cure cat fur balls?

What is a Fur ball?
Cat fur balls form when your cat grooms. When your cat grooms, the tongue takes all of the dead or lose hair off the coat. This is a natural way for your cat to keep his coat in clean and healthy.  Unfortunately, once the hair is in his mouth, the cat can’t spit or pick it out. He has to swallow it. Usually, the hair will be digested and pass through your cat, but sometimes the hair can’t be digested, in which case it remains in the stomach. Over time, the hair will build up and mix with the fluids in your cat’s stomach, and eventually a ball shape will form. When the ball gets large enough, it will start to irritate your cat’s stomach. That irritation is what causes your cat to vomit, to bring up the fur ball.  Remember that hairballs are completely natural,  and it is normal and healthy for your cat to bring up a fur ball if it forms.  But problems can arise when there are too many fur balls, or when a cat has difficulty clearing them from his stomach. 

In future posts, we’ll cover much more on this topic, so be sure to subscribe so you get this important information. 

About Bewaggle:

Bewaggle is a pet services company located in DeLand, Florida. We offer pet sitting, dog walking, puppy training, basic obedience training, and more, in the convenience of the customer's home.  Every Bewaggle employee is bonded, insured, professionally trained and has undergone a background check.  Be wise... Bewaggle!

Sunday, January 5, 2014

The Yellow Dog Project

Have you ever been out for a walk around the neighborhood, and seen someone walking a dog with a yellow ribbon tied to his collar, or maybe on his leash?  The Yellow Dog Project is really a great idea, and we want to make sure everyone in America understands what it means.

When you see a dog with a yellow ribbon, or bandana, or other yellow attire, it’s a sign that the owner wants you to know that this dog needs a little more space.  It doesn’t mean he’s aggressive or mean, but it does mean that you (and your children, especially) should approach the dog only when the owner tells you it’s OK.

Some dogs are nervous around strangers, and some are just learning how to interact with people outside the house.  The Yellow Dog Project was conceived as a way to alert others that this particular dog needs his space, so people don’t approach him too quickly or get too close for their own safety.  

We’re so happy to share this information with you because it’s such a great idea. All dogs need exercise and an opportunity to learn their social skills. The Yellow Dog Project gives handlers and owners a simple way to let the world know their dog needs a little extra space.  To learn more, visit their website at TheYellowDogProject.com.  

About Bewaggle:

Bewaggle is a pet services company located in DeLand, Florida. We offer pet sitting, dog walking, puppy training, basic obedience training, and more, in the convenience of the customer's home.  Every Bewaggle employee is bonded, insured, professionally trained and has undergone a background check.  Be wise... Bewaggle!